devmio Insights

Analyses founded on our expertise and comprehensive data sets. Tap into our knowledge to take your businesses and tech teams to new heights.

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Insights backed by our 30 years in the software business

Bringing you the latest in tech news since 1995

We have been providers of the latest in tech trends, industry updates and high-level, expert-led knowledge sharing for 30 years through our magazines, conferences and now our digital platforms. 

Our expert-led approach, with over 10,000 experts from across the globe in our pool, allows us to maintain not only the highest quality in our work, but also allows us to branch out to give our members fresh and diverse insights. 

devmio Insights support your business goals

We host over 25 conferences a year. Like the content on our platforms, our conferences are also of the best, highest level of tech/IT education, expert driven and focused on providing attendees tools to develop their skills and reach new heights in their careers. 

Our works offers the same for business owners. Technology is the driver of business success in the 21st century. Lean on our learnings from our 30 years in the technology business, leverage our end-to-end connection to develop your business’ technology goals. 

Get in touch with our business development team to support your business goals

Our business development team can help you find the best training models to keep your tech teams ahead of the learning curve. From Generative AI to DevOps, create curated training plans for your teams and avoid falling behind the fast-paced market. Get in touch, no strings attached and chat about what could work for your needs.

Tamoor Afzal

Partnerships &
Business Development

+49 176 17803232