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Software Architects & Leaders.
October 7 – 11, 2024| New York or online

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Blog articles

06 April

How to install and configure Apache2

In just a few easy steps, this article covers how to install and configure Apache2 web server in Ubuntu 16.04. Simply follow along with these seven steps and plug in your own domain name into and get started.

In this article, we will see how to install and configure Apache2 web server in Ubuntu 16.04 …

15 JUN

Microservices – the most frequently asked questions

What are microservices all about? What changes can developers expect when switching from monolith to microservice? And how does DevOps fit into the mess?

If your boss ever asks you if you want to switch to microservices, don’t bluff. Dr. Mark Little, Red Hat’s Vice President of middleware engineering, explains the basics of IT’s monolith-killing trend…

26 MAI

Quickly find your Java application process ID

For certain monitoring tools like yCrash, you need to pass your application process ID as input. In this article, Ram Lakshmanan will guide you through how to find your Java application process ID in both Linux/Unix and Windows operating systems – simply follow these steps.

In this post, we are going to discuss how to find your Java application process ID quickly. For certain monitoring tools like yCrash, you need to pass your application process ID as input….

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20 JUL

Eight Common Microservices Performance Problems (and how to Solve Them)

Not all microservices performance issues are equal: some are easy to fix, while others require more effort. Check out eight common issues you may encounter. Now is the time to put in place a robust strategy to solve problems today and mitigate them in the future.

Microservices were supposed to make everything faster, but the reality for many Java developers…

27 JUL

Java performance tutorial – How fast are the Java 8 streams?

In this JAX Magazine sneak preview, JAX London speaker Angelika Langer answers the most important question for anyone using Java streams: are they really faster?

Java 8 came with a major addition to the JDK collection framework, namely the stream API. Similar to collections, streams….

13 DEC

Java Is in Decline, and There’s Data To Prove It

In 2019, it was estimated that there were 18 million developers worldwide. That number is now estimated to be 31.1 million by SlashData. This massive influx of new developers—as well as how they learn, and what tools and technologies they choose and prefer—has huge implications for the future of programming. Companies are increasingly online and software-driven. As a result, there is no professional group that is more scrutinized, measured, and over-analyzed than the developer community.

In this article, I want to dig into data publicly in a way that (so far) I haven’t…

31 JAN

GitHub makes unlimited private repositories free for all

GitHub has lifted the limit on its private repositories, allowing an unlimited amount of collaborators for all users. According to GitHub, this is not a temporary bonus. Unlimited private repositories are here to stay! Furthermore, team pricing has been reduced.

A new update from GitHub helps break down potential software development barriers.

31 JAN

GitHub makes unlimited private repositories free for all

GitHub has lifted the limit on its private repositories, allowing an unlimited amount of collaborators for all users. According to GitHub, this is not a temporary bonus. Unlimited private repositories are here to stay! Furthermore, team pricing has been reduced.

A new update from GitHub helps break down potential software development barriers.

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