Happy Fullstack Easter

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Ostern 2023

Frohe Ostern

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Full Power for Software Professionals, Workshops,
and Much More!

If you are a software developer and want to keep your knowledge up to date, then you have come to the right place! We provide you with everything you need for your professional development. 

Get inspired by our experts from different areas of software development and get valuable know-how at our exciting live events and fascinating articles as well as at our on-site conferences. Never miss another opportunity to upgrade your knowledge and stay on the cutting edge of technology. 

With our Fullstack subscription, you have access to all the resources you need to further your education. Take out your Fullstack subscription now and get started!

ostern enteickler.de 2023

This Content Is Waiting for You!

Are you ready to take your career to the next level? We’ve prepared a sneak peek at our latest Fullstack live events, articles, recordings, trainings and conferences, but there’s much more in store for you!

ostern enteickler.de 2023

Sebastian Meyen

Chief Content Officer

Ein paar Worte 

Ein Jahr voller aufregender Events

Auch in diesem Jahr haben wir viele Themenbasierte Live-Events für euch geplant und auch im Jahr 2023 erwartet euch wieder viele spannede Events


-Hier etwas für die Events einfügen-

Exciting Articles

TypeScript 5:
Neuerungen und Breaking Changes im Überblick

Einführung in Kubernetes

Exciting Live Events

The Stuff You Don’t Want to Write: Documentation

In this session with international speaker and tech expert Kris van der Mast, you will learn the steps you can take to help improve your team’s software documentation, making it easier to communicate changes and improve usability. Proper documentation practices ensures that it is easier to store, find, and add to. Best practices regarding documentation improves workflow, and as a result, will benefit your company at all levels.

WebAssembly Day - Web Development for Everyone

WebAssembly is becoming a standard for developing web applications. These can be written in native languages such as Java, C# or Rust and executed by the browser. How far has the technology come? What are reasonable use cases? What best practices are emerging? At the WebAssembly Day, experts share their valuable experiences with you. An event for everyone who wants to stay up to date!

Scaling the Testing Pyramid in TypeScript

Unit tests? Integration tests? Mocks? Stubs? Fakes? How does this apply to the web? Let’s look at all the ways you can test a web app and demo all the tools you’d use. We’ll live-code most tests to show you exactly what makes a good testing strategy. You’ll leave with a GitHub repo you can use to keep learning or fork and use in your own PWAs.

Möge die Macht mit dir sein

Was haben Yoga, Star Wars und Softwareentwicklung gemeinsam? In allen drei Disziplinen geht es um mehr als das fachliche Können – sei es den Kopfstand im Yoga, die Macht der Jedis oder eine Software-Technologie zu beherrschen. Vor allem geht es aber um zwischenmenschliche Themen wie Zusammenarbeit, Respekt und Kommunikation.

The Stuff You Don’t Want to Write: Documentation

In this session with international speaker and tech expert Kris van der Mast, you will learn the steps you can take to help improve your team’s software documentation, making it easier to communicate changes and improve usability. Proper documentation practices ensures that it is easier to store, find, and add to. 

Reisen mit dem Fahrrad, Agilität und Clean Code

This workshop will present several strategies and tactics we use to modernize applications so that they can leverage the benefits cloud hosting can provide. That is, refactor applications so that they can grow and shrink based on user demand. More than that, you’ll learn strategies you can use to transform how you manage your applications.

Up-to-Date Even After the Event

Update Your Team To Be More Extreme

Our expert Jose Maria Valera Reales will show you how to optimise your team’s software development with internal tech talks and katas. With these groundbreaking insights, you can solve any problem.

Kubernetes Driven Architecture

Our expert Uladzimir Mihura will show you how to build new systems with Kubernetes building blocks and explore reference architectures together.

The Stuff You Don’t Want to Write: Documentation

Entire companies and lines of business have evolved around Big Data. Now the mountains of data have to be evaluated. Data science is therefore in demand and will probably remain so. Learn how to get started with Python, the common libraries, some basics about the R language and how to write your first training scripts. Let’s dive into data science!

Möge die Macht mit dir sein

Our expert Jose Maria Valera Reales will show you how to optimise your team’s software development with internal tech talks and katas. With these groundbreaking insights, you can solve any problem.

Reisen mit dem Fahrrad, Agilität und Clean Code

Our expert Uladzimir Mihura will show you how to build new systems with Kubernetes building blocks and explore reference architectures together.

The Stuff You Don’t Want to Write: Documentation

Dieses Live-Event gibt Einblick in die neuesten Tools, Techniken und Mindsets zum energiesparenden Design und der nachhaltigen Entwicklung von Websites und Apps. Von Design über Programmierung, Patterns, SEO, Ops und Vertrieb ist von allem etwas dabei.

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Easter demio 2023

Starting as a Team ?

You want to get started with your Fullstack subscription but also get your team on board? No problem! 

For just a few dollars per month per employee, you not only make sure that your team is technologically ahead in the new year, but you also make your colleagues happy.

Easter demio 2023

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ostern enteickler.de 2023

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